暨 2018 年 11 月“爱与和平”国际文化周项目后,2021 年计划举办第二届国际文化周,将主题定义为“爱与责任”,活动形式丰富多样,有演讲,知识竞赛,美食节,义卖,主题展览,荧光晚会等等。希望通过这项活动,开拓眼界,培养世界公民意识及责任感,希望同学们对全球性问题有更多的理解和思考。
Following the “Love and Peace” International Culture Week project in November 2018, a second edition of the International Culture Week is planned for 2021, with the theme defined as “Love and Responsibility”, with a variety of activities, including lectures, quizzes, food festivals, bazaars, themed exhibitions, fluorescent evenings and more. Through this activity, I hope to broaden my horizons, cultivate a sense of global citizenship and responsibility and hope that students will have more understanding and thinking about global issues.