CAS是Creativity、Activity 和 Service的首字母缩写,是IB国际文凭项目的核心课程之一,目前,民办位育拥有学生社团近60个。作为极具位育特色的传统活动,游园会秉承着CAS培养学生创新、实践与社会责任的宗旨,致力于帮助同学们找到最适合自己的社团,让大家更好地平衡学业与课外活动,开启本学年最值得期待的CAS旅程。
CAS Carnival
CAS is an acronym for Creativity, Activity and Service, which is one of the core courses of the IB International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Currently, there are nearly 60 student clubs in Shanghai Weiyu High School. As a traditional activity with great characteristics of Shanghai Weiyu High School, the CAS Carnival adheres to the aim of CAS to cultivate students’ creativity, practice and social responsibility, and is committed to helping students find the most suitable clubs for themselves, so that they can better balance their academic and extracurricular activities, and start the most anticipated CAS journey in this academic year.
2.Forms of Activities
The event is held on campus, and provides an opportunity to showcase the characteristics of each club and recruit new members.
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